Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hunter and my mistakes.

I've never had a cat before. When I lived in Florida....I had Ferrets. So, ask me a Ferret question......I'll know the answer......or tell you where you can find the answer. When I got Hunter, I knew nothing about a cat. So, my very first mistake with Hunter was his food. They fed him Meow Mix at the, I kept giving him the Meow Mix. Until the day he coughed up a hair-ball. Now, if you've never seen a's disgusting. It looks like the cat chewed up a mouse & spit it out...Yuck ! Hunter was hushed to the Vet.....& I was told he needed "Hair-ball control" food. OK, now we have Meow Mix hair-ball control dry food (it's the only kind of dry he'll eat BTW). I'm not even going to go into my experiments with wet (canned) food. All I'll say about that throw-up is no fun to clean up. The next thing was his Litter box. I thought I could get away with the cheap clay litter. The only has a lot of dust in it...& Hunter likes to supervise the cleaning of his litter box. So, one day as I was cleaning it.....he put his face down in the litter & got a nose full of dust. Another trip to the Vet to suck out the litter from Hunter's nose. Now we have Tidy Cats...99.99% dust free.....YAY ! Then there was his food bowls. I had bought him plastic food bowls.......they were cute...& cheap. But, as I was petting Hunter, I noticed he had all the little black specks in his chin. At first I though...Fleas ! But, I didn't find any fleas. Back to the Vet.......Hunter had feline Acne. Gees ! I didn't even know cats could get acne. Cats get it from eating out of plastic food bowls. OK, nothing but ceramic bowls for Hunter. Then I made the little mistake of putting Hunter's food into the microwave..instead of my food. Now..of course...I have to heat his food before he will eat it. I'm still learning about my Cat.........But, I am learning. And, every time I go to the Vet...& they say, "What's he done now ?" I smile & think......"Yeah, that's my boy."

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