Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh Hi. Me likey Mom's friend. Her nice. Her come to see me. Mom say her come to see Mom, but me know her come to see me. Her alla time bring me nice things. Mom could not find Greenie Treats, but friend find Greenie Treats. Her bring to me. Nice friend. Mom's friend bring me nice rug. Good to sleep on. Nice friend. Friend bring me new foods bowl. It blue with gray cats alla round. Her say, "Made in USA" Me not know what that means. But, me likey foods bowl.
Friend pet me, and talk to me alla time.
Me likey to get up on dresser and move Mom's things around. Mom say, "Now how did that get here?" Me say, "Me not know Mom." Heehee
No tell Mom this, but me move rug under door. Heehee Funny Mom. Her see rug under door, and her try to push rug round. Heehee Me laught.
Me likey play tricks on Mom, is fun. Me alla time hide mousey under pillow. HA-HA Mom not know where mousey come from. Funny Mom.
Me watch Mom, her sneeze, her get tissue. Oh, Mom need tissue, me get one. Pull tissue out of box, bring to Mom. You think 10 tissue nuff ? Me not think so, get more.
Mom get into shower, me move rug in front of bathtub. Heehee Me sit on rug, Mom say, "Move you silly old cat." Me not old.
Mom get book bout cat. Cat name Homer. Mom read book to me. Me likey. Finely Mom get something bout a cat. Now we need to get movie bout a cat.
Me go now say Bye-Bye.
"Mom, read me more bout Homer cat." "Mom, you hear me ?" "Oh look Mom, rug under door again." "Now how it get there ?"

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